zestforlifefitness | Class information
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10.30-11.30am & 6.30-7.30pm

9.15-10.15am | 4-5pm

Mens' 12-1pm



Pilates helps you to become an expert in controlling how your body moves & functions by focusing your attention on coordination, alignment, balance & breathing. 


Pilates is known to improve posture, back pain & flexibility by strengthening, lengthening & stabilising your deep core muscles.


The additional of benefits of developing mental focus, reducing stress levels & enhancing sleep make Pilates the perfect solution to redress the demands that life throws at us.


I offer a full range of Pilates classes for total beginners or for those who want something more challenging. Each week I incorporate a variety of styles & equipment. That way I keep everyone engaged, challenge your muscle memory and progress your strength further. 


Pilates for Men

Men tend to be less flexible than women!

Pilates for Men is designed for the mechanics of the male physique. You will focus on the powerhouse muscles, the abs, glutes and quads, that support the body’s movement.

Whether you're a couch potato or professional athlete Men's Pilates benefits all ages & abilities.


MONDAYS (High Intensity Functional Training)






The Functional Strength Class is a Top to Toe strength hour, designed for ALL abilities. 

We practice compound moves chosen specifically to mirror everyday functioning, to help you get more out of each day. 

Compound moves mean putting several moves together which engages more than one muscle group therefore is a more efficient way of training, building strength & power effectively in a shorter space of time.

Maintaining muscle mass is essential for 

musculoskeletal support

•blood sugar regulation

•energy level stabilisation

•improving bone density

•fall prevention & balance.




Lap up the captivating rhythm of the whole class in unison with uplifting music & fun, easy to follow choreography.

Each block we all work together, learning a new sequence of moves on the step & complete the class with upper body, core strength & flexibility  work. Each session will include 20minutes of Strength & Conditioning after the Cardiovascular section making this a truly well rounded workout.

Step classes are joint friendly yet great for bone density, improving your heart & lung capacity and builds your strength & agility. 


You'll be glad you tried it!

I also provide 1 : 1 classes, please contact Zoë for further details.

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